Knowles Transport Hereward Relay & Ultra

Scenic Relay or Ultra race, spanning over 39 miles from Peterborough to Ely

March AC

The Hereward Relay was first run in 1998 when 14 teams took part and has since grown with as many as 117 teams taking part in 2018! The race starts in Peterborough and follows (as far as possible) the Hereward Way for over 39 miles to Ely crossing over bridleways, fields, bridges and tracks and is therefore unsuitable for wheelchair users. Relay teams consist of four members who each run one stage. Those feeling more ambitious or looking for a tougher challenge can take on the ultra and run all 39 miles solo to become a local legend.

Stage 1: Peterborough to Whittlesey
Stage 1: Map
Stage 1: Start of route in more detail

Stage 2: Whittlesey to March
Stage 2: Map
Stage 2: De-tour

Stage 3: March to Welney
Stage 3: Map
Stage 3: End of route in more detail

Stage 4: Welney to Ely
Stage 4: Map

Any data and runner information (name, date of birth etc.) that is collected is only used to calculate and publish results.

Knowles Transport Ltd - Logo UKA (United Kingdom Athletics) - Logo

The 2021 race had kindly been sponsored by Knowles Transport

Knowles Transport Ltd